Russell Sage Dining Hall Addition | II
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York
Sodexo Campus Services retained Dembling + Dembling Architects, P.C. to design an addition to the Russell Sage Dining Hall, extending out from the first RSDH addition completed in September 2008
(see Russell Sage Dining Hall | |).
The new work plays off the existing curved exterior wall to create a dining area that offers intimate scale seating with the ability to create a gathering space for college events. DDA worked closely with Sodexo Operations and RPI to develop a seating layout and furniture selection that blends with the existing seating and allows for the onsite storage of furnishings to alter the new addition into a conference space.
Through design of materials and details, the space delivers a fluid visual transition from existing to new and provides a contemporary aesthetic. Additional work included seating and decorative LED lighting upgrades in the existing dining area.
Further design features include a gender neutral, assisted use toilet room; extension of the rooftop terrace space; and installation of an exposed ceiling/roof deck selected as an aesthetic component contributing to the acoustic comfort of the space.
The project was completed in September 2018. Project Duration: 8 months.